Unique Insight And Facts About The Average Indian Mom. You Won’t Believe Till You Read It!

An Indian mom (also known commonly as desi mom) is perceived as someone who is not in the least concerned about what is happening around the world because she can’t spare a minute away from her husband, her children, and her domestic help! An online survey by McCann Erickson covering 6000 moms across the globe revealed that – 72% of Indian moms now reject the concept of a supermom and 71% of moms globally want their children to know the real me. Indian moms love going on holidays/trips even if it means paying for it on their own. A report by HSBC found that for Indian moms getting their kids educated or getting admission to a dream school is now their top spending priority, far ahead of marriage. It is not just her maid or the support from her family members that makes a busy mom’s life a little easier but studies revealed that 67% mothers worldwide, and 90% Indian women, believe technology helps them be better mothers. Indian moms are highly active on social media especially Whatsapp and not shy to express their opinions in a group conversations unlike their counterparts.

We often read about how the role of an Indian mom has undergone a sea change in the last few years. Then why is it that when we think of an Indian mom, images of a sari clad, ladle holding woman in her 30’s,  surrounded by kids comes to mind. An Indian mom (also known commonly as desi mom) is perceived as someone who is not in the least concerned about  what is happening around the world because she can’t spare a minute away from her husband, her children, and her domestic help!

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So this Mother’s Day Kidsstoppress decided to do something different. We bring you little known facts about the veritable Indian Mom. Backed by research these facts will help you understand the Indian mom better and probably give you more reasons to fall in love with her!

1. Indian Moms don’t believe in Supermoms.

Looks like ‘Supermom’ is no longer a compliment that will please the Indian maa. An online survey by McCann Erickson covering 6000 moms across the globe revealed that – 72% of Indian moms now reject the concept of a “supermomâ€_x009d_ and 71% of moms globally want their children to know the “real meâ€_x009d_.

Image source:  www.weheartit.com

2. Indian Moms do not identify with the striving perfectionist depicted in television advertisements.

An interesting study  conducted by Saatchi & Saatchi in 2016 involving 8000 mothers from across the globe found that 51% of the mothers dislike to be portrayed as  someone who has the ‘toughest job in the world’. They want to see themselves depicted as a real character who is a good mom but has her fair share of struggles.

Image Source: shop.epigrambooks.sg

3. Indian moms love going on holidays/trips even if it means paying for it on their own. 

A survey by a holiday planning site, showed that 60% Indian women said they had contributed financially either fully or partially to their last trip they went with their partners.”  Another survey revealed that travel relaxed their minds and taught them more about the world.

Image source:yoginisquest.wordpress.com

4. Having the big, fat, Indian wedding is not her dream anymore. 

A report by HSBC found that for Indian moms getting their kids educated or getting admission to a dream school is now their top spending priority, far ahead of marriage.

Image source:globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com

5. She is tech savvy and thirst for the latest gadgets. 

It is not just her maid or the support from her family members that makes a busy mom’s life a little easier but  studies revealed that 67% mothers worldwide, and 90% Indian women, believe technology helps them be better mothers.

Image Source-www.khorai.org

6. Shopaholic! Surprise it isn’t the desi mom! 

Women are always thought to be shopaholics. But a recent survey by Flipkart revealed 69% of the online shoppers are male and that men clearly dominate the online retail space.

Image source: www.celebratingawoman.com

7. Look who is helping the Indian mom with her shopping these days.

Given the hectic schedule of a working mom we can totally understand why moms are heavily relying on their smartphones as their personal shopping assistants. They use their phones for everything – from shopping for groceries to catching up on the news – and have solutions to every problem right there on her trusted phone. As per the Global Mobile Media Consumption Study conducted by InMobi, “this new generation of mobile moms  devotes an average of almost 2.3 hours per day to mobile media, which includes smartphone and tablets”.

Image source: www.cdn-ugc.cafemom.com

8. Missing your mom’s attention? Whatsapp her!

A survey by Business Insider tells us this. Indian moms are highly active on social media especially Whatsapp and not shy to express their opinions in a group conversations unlike their counterparts. So if you are looking for a sure shot way to catch a mom’s attention, just ping her on Whatsapp .

Image source:storify.com

9. The Indian mom is the boss of the house. No doubts about that!

The DSP BlackRock Investment Managers’ study explores how women are the last signing off authority when it comes to taking the major financial decisions at home. It found that 92% of working women and 84% of non-working women control how and where to invest the money. No doubts for guessing this one, its a fact well known in every household.

Image source :www.1.bp.blogspot.com

10. Every Indian Moms needs a stress buster immediately.

Uneasy rests the head that wears the crown. A Nielsen survey has revealed that Indian women are the most stressed out in the world. Sample this,  87% of Indian moms are stressed out most of the time.

Image Source:www.i58.tinypic.com

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