10 fun ways to keep your kids hydrated this summer

4) Fruit juices: Juices serve as great supplements to water and help keep kids hydrated. 8) Dairy Products: Milk, Yoghurt or even butter milk serve as great substitutes for water and can keep kids hydrated. 9) Lemonade and Coconut Water: Coconut water as natural properties like sugars, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and vitamin C. Lemonade is also a great option for younger kids. 10) Regular intakes: Parents should ensure that they give their kids water every half an hour so as to keep them hydrated.

Summers for kids means play, play and more play. They almost forget that they need to stay hydrated and eat well. With the amount of physical activity it’s very easy for sugar levels to drop and for children to feel dehydrated. Here is a list of Best Summer drinks that are suited for Indian children and you will love all the local recommendations and what our parents and grandparents have been traditionally recommending to see them on the list.

Here is how you can make hydration fun and we would love to know your tips on staying hydrated either in the comments below or on our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages.

1) Fruits:  Fruits with high in water content help keep kids hydrated. Top fruits are watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, peaches, pineapple, cranberries, orange and raspberries. Serve them as is or serve it as bites with chocolate sauce or other treats.

summer foods for kids_huffingtonpost

2) Use Ice:  Kids love ice. Why not add it to a glass of water to help keep your child cool. Don’t worry about the cold. You can also freeze it in fun shapes, sizes to teach them shapes or for older kids just teach them about different forms of water.

shaped ice

3) Colourful Straws: Parents can buy colourful straws to get their kids to drink water more frequently. Kids don’t tend to realise the importance to stay hydrated. Colourful straws act as an attractive medium for the same. I am not a big fan of straws but I know the kids love it and I know it’s a spill proof way of getting the drinks done with kids. Just make it’s cleaned well.

ways to keep kids hydrated- straws

4) Fruit juices: Juices serve as great supplements to water and help keep kids hydrated. Try to opt for fresh juices and avoid the ones with preservatives.

ways to keep kids hydrated- fruit juice_happydietician.wordpress

5) Vegetables: On top of the vegetables list are cucumber and lettuce, zucchini, radish,celery, tomato and   green cabbage.  Additional healthy hydrating foods include carrots, green peas and white potatoes. If your kids like it as a juice then vegetable Juices are a great way to pack in the veggies too.


6) Popsicles: Make your popsicles at home. Make some juice, pour the mixture into an ice tray and stick candy sticks in each slot. Parents can also add grapes and melons.


7) Creative Cups: Parents can buy their kids cups of different colours or with their favourite cartoon  characters.

ways to keep kids hydrated- cartoon cups

8) Dairy Products: Milk, Yoghurt or even butter milk  serve as great substitutes for water and can keep kids hydrated. Milk is a great option to refuel. Add in fruits for a fruit yogurt.

ways to keep kids hydrated- milk and yogurt_globalgujaratnews

9) Lemonade and Coconut Water:  Coconut water as natural properties like sugars, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and vitamin C. Lemonade is also a great option for younger kids. While out in the sun Coconut water is what’s most handy and healthy. Stick to this.

ways to keep kids hydrated- coconut

10) Regular intakes: Parents should ensure that they give their kids water every half an hour so as to keep them hydrated. What also works is to have alarms or goals of how water to drink in a day. With goals you will barely go wrong. We usually target 2 bottles a day for the kids and they always feel its easier to work that way.

regualr intakes of water

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