10 Games Under Rs 500 That Help Engage Kids

We’ve compiled a list of 10 popular games that cost less than Rs 500. These games are fun and help kids develop skills like thinking, memory, and coordination.

It’s day 3 of the summer holidays for my kids and am getting a feel it’s day 30!

Amidst all the “Mom, I am feeling bored!” I realised I needed some fun games that are not the kind they will toss around in a few days but something that will engage them, especially as a multi-player game.

If you are having your child’s friends come over for a playdate, these options are ideal to engage them, and still not burn a hole in your wallet. Summer break is a great time for kids to relax and have fun, but keeping them busy can be hard, especially if you’re on a budget.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 10 popular games that cost less than Rs 500. These games are fun and help kids develop skills like thinking, memory, and coordination. With these affordable options, parents can keep their kids entertained and engaged all summer long.

Check out our top picks to make this summer enjoyable and educational for your children. Also don’t forget to check out our KSP Summer Planners that has 6 week of activities chartered out for your kids age-wise and it is absolutely FREE!

  1. Drop Game
Version 1.0.0

Buy here

2. Brainvita

Buy here

3. Jenga

Buy here

4. Dobble

Buy here

5. Memory Chess

Buy here

6. Mikado

Buy here

7. Grand Ludo and Snakes & Ladders Board Game

Buy here

8. Monopoly

Buy here

9. Magnet Dart Board Game

Buy here

10. Guessing Game

Buy here

11. Pictionary Card Game

Buy here

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