I feel like the woman I was before I was a mom, I am familiar with her but I don’t know her as well, anymore. Ever wondered why we get into this rut? Why do we alter our lives completely? Honestly, I have to think really hard to remember what it was like to be her. And I won’t lie, I miss being her too.
I think that’s because I’ve been deep in the trenches for the past few years. I’m all the way down here under the diapers and laundry piles and preschool paperwork and doctor’s appointments and hours breastfeeding and boxes of toys and dress-up bins and all of it. All of the motherhood. I’m down here, with this title ‘mother’ weighing heavy on my shoulders. It’s felt so heavy, I haven’t been able to climb out of this trench. Or maybe I just haven’t been trying as hard to? I’ve been living among the chaos, feeling too overwhelmed to try.
We need to reverse time and make it work and try to be who we were. Because that woman matters. We are still at the beginning of 2021 and these affirmations are going to help me find myself again.
1. I am going to prioritize me-time.
2. I will allocate time for my business
3. I will be a learner.
Love these? We have an entire book – 101 Parenting Affirmations to help you stay positive through your parenting journey
Scroll down to read the other positive affirmations that are showing an effect on my life. I am sure they will work wonders in yours too!