Do You Say This Word Enough Every Day? If Not, Begin Now

I have realised how this one word might not open magical doors but it sure helped close some irrelevant ones. Moms, are you using your ‘Nos’?

Over the years, from raising two kids and a business, I have made my share of mistakes. I have had slower successes at times maybe, but a lot of these experiences helped me find my path forward. All the ‘yeses’ and ‘nos’ have shaped who I’ve become and continue to become. One such is to use this word in my everyday journey. Am not talking about a powerful mantra that helps you create magic every day? Not exactly, but it surely helps avoid the chaos that we easily enter into. 

I underestimated the power of this word. We all underestimate the power of this word. Over the years I have realised how this one word might not open magical doors but it sure helped close some irrelevant ones. And it will help you do the same too!

Moms, Are You Using Your ‘Nos’ In The Wrong Place?

As mom’s, we don’t use the word often enough. We know how valuable and necessary our ‘yesses’ are to others. But we seem to forget that our ‘Nos’ can be just as valuable and necessary for us and our families.

The word “NO” is something we are grossly misusing in our lives. We don’t hesitate to use ‘NO’ when our child asks for 10 minutes of extra screen time. We use the word liberally when our child wants to play around once again in the see-saw in the park before coming home. But what if I told you you have been using the word wrong most days? 

I am not saying you need to say YES to everything your child asks, but you need to start using the word NO more. With you. With your life. With things that concern YOU

Why Is It Important To Use Our ‘Nos’?

“It’s only by saying no to things that aren’t really meaningful that we have the space and energy to concentrate on the things that are.”George McKeown 

On days I feel overwhelmed and the to-do list looks endless, I realise it wasn’t the lack of time, but the lack of energy and focus. Some checklists may not require all items to be checked off. Over the years I have learnt the power of the word “NO” and how I need to use it with myself more than others, to help end a day right.

  • Sometimes it is a NO to a last-minute meeting that takes away my focus from what I had planned.
  • Sometimes it is a NO to an invite that doesn’t sit on my calendar.
  • Sometimes it is a NO to a late-evening work schedule ‘coz it was game night with my girls.
  • Sometimes is a NO to a weekend party, ‘coz it was movie night with my family.

It is a super power that lets us prioritise and focus on what matters to us. Remember that you are the best judge of what’s best for your family. Let no one make you feel otherwise.

Use your ‘Nos’.

How do you feel about this? Do you use the word enough? Don’t just stop by decluttering your child’s toy shelf or your wardrobe. Declutter your mind with careful and correct usage of this word.

Try it out and tell me how you felt after making it a regular in your vocabulary. Share this interesting epiphany with fellow parents too!

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