Gluten Free Breakfast Recipe For Your Toddler – Purple Sweet Potato Tacos

These potatoes are naturally sweet and have just the right moisture content that these tacos were made just by mixing sticky rice flour with steamed purple potatoes! Ingredients1 Purple Sweet Potato – steamed and mashed3/4 Cup Sticky Rice Flour ( you may need more/less depending on the size of the sweet potato)Sugar/vanilla/cardamom – optional to taste ( I did not use any of these)MethodAdd the rice flour little by little to the steamed and mashed potato until you get a dough that does not stick to your hands.

Living in Toronto, one of the most multicultural cities in the world I have had the wonderful opportunity of making friends and meeting people who live here but have cultural heritages from all the over the world. I often have conversations with them about the unique traditions in their native countries, with a specific focus on food!  

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In Okinawa, Japan purple sweet potatoes are grown and eaten in abundance. In fact, the longevity of the people in Okinawa is attributed to these purple tubers which have 150% more antioxidants than blueberries. 

Here is one of the recipes – “Purple Sweet Potato Breakfast Tacosâ€_x009d_, which is my 4-year-old daughter’s favourite. These potatoes are naturally sweet and have just the right moisture content that these tacos were made just by mixing sticky rice flour with steamed purple potatoes! So literally the pancakes/tacos just need 2 ingredients and are vegan, gluten-free and sugar-free! Simple and yummy. 

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  • 1 Purple Sweet Potato – steamed and mashed
  • 3/4 Cup Sticky Rice Flour ( you may need more/less depending on the size of the sweet potato)
  • Sugar/vanilla/cardamom – optional to taste ( I did not use any of these)


  • Add the rice flour little by little to the steamed and mashed potato until you get a dough that does not stick to your hands. No need to add water.
  • Roll into small balls and place one by one between a parchment paper dusted with rice flour.
  • Use a rolling pin to gently flatten and cut into a round shape using a large round cookie cutter.
  • Place it on a heated pan, brush some oil, flip, brush oil again and remove when you see some browning on both sides.
  • Top with your favourite toppings and serve!

I topped our tacos with peanut butter, crushed peanuts, and blueberries.

Note: You can use regular rice flour too if you cannot find sticky rice flour which is usually found in Chinese stores. I have tried it with regular rice flour and it turns out fine but the sticky rice flour makes it yummier. You can also substitute with all-purpose flour if rice flour is not available.

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