How Will Your Baby Benefit From Babywearing?


Read these facts here

Increased socialization:

Babies need socializing. They are going to be part of the society, community and wearing them and carrying them around along with you as you go by your daily chores and socialising will introduce them to the world in a safe way. You are not keeping them closed in a stroller and taking them with you around will give them more exposure to facial expressions and learn speech quickly. That's how babies learn the language, right?

Improved development of vestibular system:

The vestibular system is the brain system that detects motion and controls balance. It is one of the earliest systems to be developed. When a baby is worn or carried rather than lying in a stroller, he/she is more familiar with the idea of constant motion. A baby that's worn is moving as you move. To him/, the idea of moving on two feet is amazing and unheard of. And it will help the baby develop balance, motor skills, and general movement ability.

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Improved Attachment:

It isn’t called “attachment parenting” for nothing. Being physically attached to your kid, through wearing or carrying, increases the bond between parents and the child. Physical attachment breeds psychological attachment. If you maintain physical contact with your baby as much as possible, research shows that your child will have a stronger and a more lasting bond with you.

How does babywearing benefit preterm babies? 

Babywearing is particularly beneficial for preterm infants. These little babies need close physical contact with their parents more than anyone – remember, they’re still “supposed” be in the womb.

Lower stress:

Wearing your preterm baby will help lower the stress and modulate the infant’s cortisol response, which tends to be exaggerated in that age group.

Improved pain tolerance:

Babies who got kangaroo care showed improved behavioural and physiological responses to physical pain.

Improved brain development:

Preterm infants are at a risk of impaired neuronal development, but the neonates who were given skin-to-skin contact, displayed better brain motor function comparable to adolescents who were born at term, while the neonates given standard care did not.

Better breastfeeding:

It’s crucial for preterm babies to get breastmilk as it’s the perfect food for them, and early skin-to-skin contact between mom and baby helps the youngest neonates breastfeed.

We all know, how important breast milk is for our babies. And just like co-sleeping, baby wearing also helps a mother to increase her ability to breastmilk her baby, simply because of the proximity. This closeness of the baby helps you produce more milk. It increases the changes of exclusive breastfeeding and not to use that formula milk ever again.

So remember mommies, when you wear your baby, wear it the right way!





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