Recipe: Protein Rich Vegan Pancakes (Surprise Ingredient! )

This delicious pancake recipe is exactly what you need to up your child’s protein and Omega 6 intake

In my house pancakes are a staple on weekends. If I don’t make pancakes at least once I am subjected to constant whining and faces that sweep the floor! So I keep experimenting to make healthier versions of food that they enjoy. I want them to be happy (and for me to enjoy my weekend!).

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Most pancake Recipes use eggs and milk to make the batter. Much to my own delight, I discovered that those ingredients weren’t required to make a delicious pancake from scratch.So this pancake recipe which is made with buckwheat flour (kuttu ka atta), coconut oil, 100% pure maple syrup and chia seeds, is perfect and super healthy. Buckwheat is a gluten-free protein option which is rich in antioxidants and helps improve digestion. Chia seeds are an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids and coconut oil is the perfect vegan fat that helps make it all tastier. 

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These light and fluffy vegan pancakes are so easy to make and are the perfect weekend breakfast! We have also included a non-vegan version of my special pancakes. Give it a try, send us pictures and don’t forget to tell us in the comments below how much the family loved them.

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  • 5 Tbsp Buckwheat/ Kuttu Atta
  • 1 Tsp Chia Seeds
  • Pinch of Baking Powder
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 1 Tbsp Maple Syrup (+ extra for drizzling)
  • Dash of Vanilla Extract
  • 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil (+ more to brush the pan)
  • Seasonal fruit – Banana/ Strawberries

Non-Vegan Version

  • 1 Egg
  • ¼ Cup Buttermilk/ Milk
  • 1 Tbsp Butter


  • Sift the buckwheat flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl
  • Add the chia seeds coconut oil and maple syrup and mix well
  • Use water to thin the batter. If you like fluffy pancakes keep the batter a bit thick. For crepes, the batter should be thin.
  • Heat the pan and brush with coconut oil
  • Add a ladle of batter and cook on medium heat
  • Flip the pancake and let it brown
  • Serve hot with maple syrup drizzled and seasonal fruit

Note: For the non-vegan version – beat the eggs, butter and maple syrup first before following the same steps as above. Instead of water thin with milk/ buttermilk


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