Tired Of Unsolicited Advice? Try These, Mommies

Do you feel like you are receiving unsolicited advice all the time? Try these affirmations. They help.

"Don't sit like this", "Don't dance when you are pregnant", "You should eat more because you are eating for 2", "We never raised our kids like this" – you hear all sorts of things from aunties during your parenting and birthing journey. They just feel that they know better and we must go through the same parenting journey. I won't lie – I never know how to react. How do you react without offending? 

Sometimes, it's a slippery slope because I start asking myself if I am doing the right thing? Am I a good mother? Am I doing enough to give my child the best childhood? 

It is best to steer away from such remarks and stay positive because that's all a child needs. So I thought to myself – why not affirmations?

Yes, they sound boring and forced but they really do help and the positive vibes really help. 

I promised myself:

1) I will not sit in my room and doubt myself. 

2) I will not play the victim card. 

3) I don't need to vent out, I can let go without feeling anything. 

4) I will not be frustrated with my children. 

5) I will do the best in my ability and I know I am the best for my children and family. 

6) I will not believe everything everyone has to say. 

Affirmations in such situations when I get unsolicited advice:

1) I forgive myself for being an imperfect parent. Today I will let go of the guilt weighing on my shoulders. 

2) I am what my child needs. Worrying about what others think only distracts me from being the parent I need to be. 

3) Today I will find peace in being good enough because perfection is impossible. 

4) Establishing personal boundaries and sticking to them helps me remember that I am important too. 

5) Everything is exactly the way it needs to be in order to learn the lessons I need the most. 


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