We all have one of these in our family. You know the type – overly matronly, bedecked in jewelry, well meaning but with a sharp tongue, believer of all things religious and superstitious, and with an opinion every time anyone else says anything else! You can’t not invite them to a gathering because they are part of your immediate family, but at the same time, they are bound to be the thorn in your side.
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So in tribute to all these aunties in our life, we decided to have a little fun and share with you 10 things auntyji will say when she attends your baby shower! Love them or hate them, you sure as fire can’t ignore them!
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1. The ones who describe their “new mom days” as the worst phase of their life and then laugh it off saying “but every woman goes through it”
Image source: www.brandsynario.com
2.Those aunties who are gifted with the supernatural abilities to communicate to the baby in your womb! They totally believe that they can even talk your unborn baby into delivering a rock star performance while he is inside.
Image source:Â www.masalascoop.com
3. Be careful that no one at your baby shower knows that you follow a special meal plan during your pregnancy (especially the ones which limits your ghee and milk intake). A lot of aunties believe in eating for two during pregnancy and this news might just make them very angry!
Image source: www.buzzdiary.com
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4. Beware and don’t give out too many details about your plans for child birthing at your baby shower, for there is always that  aunty who will go into a temporary state of shock when she finds out that your husband is planning to be around you in the labour room to help you push the baby out!
Image source:buzzfeed.com
5. You will also meet that aunt who can’t stop emphasising about how much your life is going to change after you have a baby, how you will never get time for yourself and how your house will be taken over by awful smelling baby diapers.Â
Image source: www.tenor.co
6. Be prepared to receive a lot of appreciation from those aunts who love the fact that you became pregnant soon after getting married. To them, this is the perfect milestone on the road of a woman’s life.
Image source: www.bollypop.in
7. There will always be this curious  aunt who will wonder, how you will make a good mom by continuing to work after giving birth.
8. The  fortune – teller aunty will find you and put all your  new- mom anxieties to rest with her positive predictions about your parenting journey.
Image source:www.tumblr.com
9.Not to forget the wizard aunty who can predict your baby’s gender, using all indicators that make you or your body solely responsible for it. Feel free to ignore her opinions completely.
Image source:www.feedzig.com
10. No baby shower is complete without the bunch of  total stranger aunties, whom you will be meeting for the very first and last time in your life! Although harmless, these aunties are prone to display extreme enthusiasm to celebrate your motherhood and the parenting journey that lies ahead of you.
Image source:www.tumblr.com
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