2 Simple Hacks To Make Kids Wash Their Hands

So this one simple hack ended “handwash” battles once and for all in my home and let’s face it, if there is something that makes the kids want to wash their hands (and looks so cool!), I am up for it! try these hacks today!

Getting kids to wash their hands after they have played outside has to be a universal challenge for all parents. We begin by asking them nicely, then move on to the “Please do it now!”, and then finally marching them to the washbasin to do it for them. Yes, we have all done it.

The monsoons make me worry all the more because you just never know what germs and viruses are floating around and you really want to make sure your kids don’t pick up anything. So this one simple hack ended “handwash” battles once and for all in my home and let’s face it if there is something that makes the kids want to wash their hands (and looks so cool!) I’m going to do it!

So this is what it looks like.

handwash hacks for kids with LEGO

Image courtesy: rockingboys.com

Looks so cool, doesn't it? All you need to do is find a few LEGO blocks, grab an empty clear soap dispenser and add the blocks to it. Then pour in some clear soap. Trust me on this, kids love it and will want to wash their hands, thoroughly! You could even use some of those tiny figurines you get from chocolates and add it to a soap dispenser, so it looks like tiny people floating about in soap.

LEGO Hacks every parent must know about

DIY Soap with a surprise inside

Want to shake things up and keep them exciting? Once soap from the dispenser with the LEGO blocks is done you could make your own soap and add a surprise for the kids to find inside!  

soap with toys inside handwash hacks

With just glycerine soap base, a mould, and a toy make a soap your kids will want to use! Here is a complete video with step by step instructions.

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