Exam + Brain Boosting Food = Better Focus & Happier Kids

Exams have started in my house for one of the kids’. My older one has class 12 boards starting next week. So you can imagine the stress levels in the house. The pressure is real, and our kids are feeling it. We want to be their support system and not their biggest stressor.  Exam stress was the focus of the recent META & NCPCR event I attended. The statistics revealed by the experts were shocking, to say the… To continue reading this article, please subscribe to the KSP MEAL PLANS or KSP MEAL PLANS- Combo Offer. Or if you have already, please sign in to read the article right away!
Homemade Dark Chocolate Mousse with Whipped Cream
Exams have started in my house for one of the kids’. My older one has class 12 boards starting next week. So you can imagine the stress levels in the house. The pressure is real, and our kids are feeling it. We want to be their support system and not their biggest stressor.  Exam stress was the focus of the recent META & NCPCR event I attended. The statistics revealed by the experts were shocking, to say the…
To continue reading this article, please subscribe to the KSP MEAL PLANS or KSP MEAL PLANS- Combo Offer. Or if you have already, please sign in to read the article right away!


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