Instagram Brings Together A Doting Grandfather And His Adorable Grandchildren

Chanjae Lee, a 75-year-old Korean grandfather lives in Brazil and till recently his grandchildren were the centre of his life and lived in Brazil near him. It took a lot of convincing, but now grandfather Lee has an Instagram account called ‘Drawings_For_My_Grandchildren’ with a fan following of 163,000 people.

The relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is always very special. Grandparents want to be a part of the lives of their grandkids, but that’s not always the case. However, one grandfather decided that distance was not going to be a reason for his grandkids not to know him.

Chanjae Lee, a 75-year-old Korean grandfather lives in Brazil and till recently his grandchildren were the centre of his life and lived in Brazil near him. However, when they moved to Seoul his heart was broken and he became quite depressed.

His son  Ji Lee, a New Yorker, worried about his father, tried convincing him to start drawing and posting his pictures on Instagram for his grandkids to see.  It took a lot of convincing, but now grandfather Lee has an Instagram account called Drawings_For_My_Grandchildrenwith a fan following of 163,000 people. Despite his initial reservations about technology and social media, he decided that his wish to be part of his grandkids lives was far stronger.

His wife writes the stories and Chanjae Lee draws them out. Each story features instances from their daily life and Korean culture.More importantly, each post teaches a lesson, shares a memory or carries a personal message. They are translated into three languages: English, Korean and Portuguese.

He has been drawing a picture for his grandchildren, Astro, Arthur and Allan, every day for over a year now. The appreciation his drawings have received from strangers is quite overwhelming and heartening.

Distance and technology didn’t stop Grandpa Lee!

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