The Workout Routine Every Busy Mom Needs To Try!

Busy Mom Workout ( HIIT)Image Source: called High-Intensity Training or HIIT. Studies show that 15 minutes of HIIT burns more calories than jogging on a treadmill for an hour. Why HIITImage Source: https://goqii.comI opted for this method of workout post my kids because I just couldnt find the time to get to a gym.

When I was just a carefree newlywed I had all the time to schedule a trip to a far-off gym and manage a full-time corporate job whilst enjoying a very active social life. Now, as a stay at home mother of 2 – an hour at a local gym seems like a task! I guess that’s just how it is and that’s just how it is going to be. So I found the quickest way to make my body work double hard with just a 30-minute workout and found myself on the road to fitness once again.

Busy Mom Workout ( HIIT)

women cycling Image Source:

It’s called “ High-Intensity Training” or HIIT. By definition, High-Intensity Workouts are short bursts of high-intensity cardio combined with a short rest period and then repeated – over and over again. An example would be, sprinting at your fastest pace for 2 minutes and jogging for 1 minute and repeating this for an entire session. If you are not active enough for a sprint, you can jog for 2 minutes and speed-walk for 1. The best part about HIIT workouts is that you can choose whatever form of cardio you want!

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Studies show that 15 minutes of HIIT burns more calories than jogging on a treadmill for an hour. It also improves endurance, boosts metabolism, burns calories and fat during AND after you finish your workout. The last point especially was a winner with me!


running up stairs Image Source:

I opted for this method of workout post my kids because I just couldn’t find the time to get to a gym. The best part was I never needed one! I started off by using the stairs in the building to walk up and take the lift down as a rest period and repeat the same cycle. Other days, I cycled around the neighbourhood or sprinted and jogged.

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Initially, I started off slow but I was regular.  Within the first few month,  I noticed I have gained more strength and stamina. Today, as my younger child has turned 2, I am proud to say, I have lost all the baby weight with only this method of exercising. Of course, coupled with healthy eating.

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The key here is be motivated to do this on your own. I would highly recommend you find a group of like-minded friends who can join you regularly for a 30-minute session. This is by far the best way for a busy mom to stay fit! Tried and tested twice over by yours truly!

Happy Fitness Journey!

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