Does Punishing Help Raise Better Kids?

Yes, we need to correct our kids when they are wrong. But there are plenty of other ways to do that, especially without punishing them.
punishing help raise better kids

Punishing us for our mistakes is something all our parents have done… Especially when we were small. While some might agree that kids nowadays don’t experience half of the punishments we did, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good thing!

Times have changed and so should our age-old parenting techniques. Shouting and threatening to get the work done does not work well with kids now-a-days. You can’t build a good and healthy relationship with your kids if you are practicing these scare tactics.

No Punishing? Why?

Kids today are exposed to so much of information and so many things online, that it is hard to know they may interpret our behaviour or words and what will be the aftermath of it. Exactly the reason why I believe, parenting has gotten more complicated than ever before. Because raising kids who are so technology sound and savvy is not easy at all!

Yet punishing never had any “pros” for parenting anyway. All it does is makes our kids fear us. Now you might be thinking, “isn’t that good? We are their parents afterall, they should have some fear...”

No! You are so very wrong then. Kids learn what they see. If you make them fear you, they’ll make sure, when they grow up to make you fear them too! Or worse case scenario, they might believe to establish authority, you need to be feared. Which honestly is a very wrong concept.

Should I Not Be Strict With My Kids?

Well, now here’s the important part. ‘Fear’ and ‘Strict’ are two different words. If you shout or talk rudely or sternly, it’ll just drive them away from you, fear you. But if you explain why you are so particular about a certain thing and talk it out calmly. That’ll strengthen your relationship and open free communication between you and your child.

Remember, just because our parents bought us up a certain way doesn’t mean we should do it the same. If the concept of being a friend to you kid does not appeal you, at least be a friendly parent. Someone who pops in their minds first to reach out to; not in fear.

Here’s what our founder, Mansi Zaveri has to say about it. She gives her expert opinions on the same through #TuesdayTalkWithKSP!

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