Easy Ways To Be A Planet Saving Superhero!

From going for a stainless steel lunch box and bottle over plastic ones to making sure they turn off the lights and fans every time they leave a room — every small step counts and the time to start is now!

Who doesn't want to be a superhero, especially when the need for this generation to step up and do their bit to save the environment is so high! 

It is never too early to start teaching kids to take care of the environment and to ensure they create a greener planet for themselves. You need fancy equipment or charts to show them too! Simply take small steps towards saving the planet! 

You may also like: Books to raise an environment friendly kid

In this podcast we tell kids simple ways they can go green. From going for a stainless steel lunch box and bottle over plastic ones to making sure they turn off the lights and fans every time they leave a room — every small step counts and the time to start is now! 

So this World Environment Day, lets pledge as a family to go green and do our bit to save the environment! We have taken the pledge, have you? 

You may also like: Get the whole family involved in your bid to go green! 



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