How To Reduce Pollution In Your Homes Using Indoor Plants

With pollution levels off the charts outside the house, what can you do to breathe easier inside your homes? These indoor plants are meant to help control the toxins indoors. See which ones you should be buying to help your family stay healthy!

There are some parts of our country that are comparable to a ‘gas chamber’. The levels of pollution across the country are varied across India but extremely high when compared to other countries. We are talking about disparities like an AQI of 450 + for Delhi and 1 for London. It’s crazy and super unhealthy.

While we talk about the PM2.5 levels that we’re breathing outside our houses, we don’t realize that indoor pollution levels are actually significantly higher than outside.

According to a report by the World Health Organisation, 4.3 million people worldwide die due to poor air quality prevailing inside the house.

Most of us in cities like Delhi have invested in air purifiers for indoors and masks for outdoors. There are more inexpensive options that can add to the appeal of your home and help things inside your home as well. There are a number of indoor plants that help clean the air in your homes and offices.

Let’s check out which ones could help you breathe better and cleaner air.

Aloe Vera:

This succulent doesn’t need taking care of and is easy to grow. It can help filter gases like benzene and formaldehyde. Besides the fact that it is good to clean the air in your home and office, it is also great to have around the house for a number of health reasons since it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.


We all know that this plant is great as a medicinal plant to help boost immunity and digestion. But what you probably didn’t know if that it is an excellent air purifier too. Tulsi can absorb harmful gases like carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, benzene, and formaldehyde. By the way, it is also said to be an excellent mosquito repellent too.

Spider Plant:

This has been named the best indoor plant to help remove formaldehyde from the air. It also helps with toxins like benzene, carbon monoxide and xylene. This is a resilient plant and doesn’t require you to have green thumbs. Like Aloe Vera, you can just cut one of the spider’s leaves and place it in a pot and watch it grow. Spider plants neither require direct sunlight nor cold weather to thrive.

Jade Plant:

This plant is often referred to ask the ‘friendship plant’. It helps remove more than 80 per cent of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, p-Xylenes and o-Xylene. Tests have shown that it is the best plant for removing toluene pollution from indoors. 

Snake Plant/Mother in Law’s Tongue:

This is one of the sturdiest houseplants you can keep. It helps remove pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene. It takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen at night which makes it a good bedroom plant. It requires minimal sunlight.

Bamboo Plant:

This plant is a natural humidifier works best in areas with dry air. It helps eliminate carbon monoxide, xylene, benzene and formaldehyde. These houseplants thrive in shady indoor spaces and often produce small flowers and berries. The best thing about this plant is, it does not need water regularly.

So now that you are equipped with information on how to make your home and environment safe, go plant shopping and help your family breathe easier when indoors.

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