Is the clock really ticking after the age of 30, or is it a myth that needs to be busted?
For me, I was always very clear of having children early. Not saying that it has to go this way for everyone. After my first born, I decided to start I gained 25 kilos when I was pregnant, and worked on my body, to be fit again to do all the daily chores, and work, because that was important to me. The next question that everyone asked – and yes, I am proud to say I was not one and done.
Today, in this podcast, I share facts on why I chose to be pregnant young, apart from “the biological clock ticking”
The benefits of having children at a young age run aplenty. Personally, 20s are the time when you have the most energy, it will come in handy while running behind a toddler who just won’t tire. Moreover, the odds of conceiving are high, with an 18% chance (highest) of having a baby in three months of trying naturally.
After 2 babies and a startup I strongly believe that 27 is a good age to have babies and here are all the reasons why I think so. If you are still debating on having that baby or not well that’s a separate question all together. Just remember never say never. For me having a baby early for biological reasons was not the only reason. It could not be the only reason. Now that my girl’s are almost 7 and 3 I can look back and say it was the perfect age and it worked for me.
1. Fuel up: In the last seven years there has been a huge difference in me as a parent and I can feel it. While I am healthy and try my level best to stay fit I do feel like it’s the best time to have crossed the diapering stage and raise independent kids. I definitely feel that some of the routine stuff does consume you more physically and if I was any older I am sure it would have been tougher. And it’s me, you will rarely ever hear me run out of energy for anything.
2. Career Connect: I also believe that at 27 you are at a mid management level position and makes a lot of sense to take a break then versus when you are up there where it’s hard to lure you away from your career. I definitely do believe that the first time you put your baby down to get back to work is hard and a woman’s perspective to work completely changes with that little swaddle in her hand.
3. Second Innings: If you have worked for a good 5 – 6 years before your baby arrives then you know what you want to do next. That maternity breaks kind of gives you a breather to decide what you really want to do next. If you haven’t been a career woman it still gives you a sense of where you want to spend your next 3 – 5 years. You can bounce back to your career and professional goals much faster. You are also young enough to learn if you need to change or deviate from your career.
4. Ready to embrace responsibility: At 27 you have lived up your youth and you are done with a lot of your crazy weekends. It’s that perfect break that you want to take to get back to living it up again once your kids are a little older. I also feel that you are mature enough to accept complete responsibility of another human being.
5. Bounce Back: At 27 and 30 when both my girls were born I just thought that my body pulled it off pretty well. I was fit and could bounce back to life very easily. I got my pre-baby body back faster than I would have hoped for and that’s only because my body could take the whole process with ease. Your body, skin and hair all adapt to the changes and kind of prepare you for ageing too. And you might want to deny it but the point is the body and physicality affects every single woman.
6. Stronger bond for marriage: I definitely feel a lot closer to my husband today than I probably did a couple of years ago. Your love redefines itself and now you respect each other a lot more, can laugh at each other more easily and of course you share responsibility of the most unpredictable and hard to manage newbie in your relationship.
7. Dream On: A lot of us aspire to move away from the city and have alternate careers, to live our lives. When you are probably 45 or 50, your kids are old enough to manage themselves and some even fend for themselves. You are ready to move with life at your own pace and can pursue a whole lot of activities that were put on the back burner.
8. Wedding Bells: I want to enjoy my kids, their achievements, milestones, marriage and grand kids just like I see my parents do it. Life is all about relationships and that’s not going to change no matter which pace the world moves on.
Listen to the entire podcast now! If you want to know when is the right age to have kids then check out our article on the topic.
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Recently we had this essential conversation on our Instagram handle on what happens when we delay pregnancy and the two sides of this essential coin. Read about it here.